我們的宗旨 Our Mission


 ~~ 宗旨 ~~  

一、 促進校友間之聯繫與切磋。

 二、 廣集校友之專才以謀取校友之福利。

 三、 輔導及協助校友及校友子弟求學與就業。

 四、 集合華人力量以爭取及維護華人之權益及福祉。

 五、 促進華人與當地社團間之關係、交流與理解。

 六、 祟尚民主、自由、平等的思想及生活方式。

~~ Mission ~~

The Alumni Association is a non-profit organization. The mission of this Alumni Association is to strengthen the relationship between alumni and the Cheng Kung University, to promote fellowship among the alumni and the general welfare of its members.

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